Thursday, October 7, 2010

::75 and sunny::

It is absolutely gorgeous here today.  I was able to roll out 3 new sets of cards, one of which is a brand-new topic.  {So excited about that!}  {Check 'em out here--set one--set two--set three.}

I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and went to my little photo shoot place.

Here's the big picture:
The lovely small thorny bush that put thorns into...

I had to lean way over that rock so steady my elbows.  :)

How's the weather in your area today?  I hope it's as lovely as mine!


Karen said...

It has warmed up here today from 44 this morning - up to 82. Hopefully we get some rain! So sorry about the thorns; OUCH! Hopefully they did not stick you.
Enjoyed looking at your pictures.

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

That's quite a jump in degree in one day, Karen! Glad it was a nice day for you!