Monday, July 12, 2010

happy people

If I were to let my feelings dictate where I lived, I would currently be a missionary to the Indonesian people.  There are thousands of islands in that country and they are 4th in population in the world and that is right behind the United States.  All of our servers in the restaurants on the boat were Indonesian. 

We sat at the same table every night for dinner and got to know our servers.  The assistant dining manager ws Pipit.  In the video, he is in the white suit jacket.  He has been working for this particular cruise line for 12 years.  He will only renew his contract one or two more times.  He is Muslim...and needs the Lord.

Our main server was Beni.  He was all business but very nice.  His English was limited but he did an excellent job serving.  He has a wife and little baby back home and will not go back until the beginning of next year.  He said he will renew his contract with the boat because it's the best job to be had in their country.  I could see him being a faithful member of a church if he was a Christian.

Beni's helper was Yasir.  Hilarious!!  His English was good because he's so friendly, he talks to a lot of people.  I think he's living the high life working on this boat.  He just bought a new car back home and I'm sure he's got the gadgets.  :)  We saw him a lot besides in the dining room at dinner.  He was very happy all the time.

My Opa celebrated his birthday on the boat.  He had three different occasions of dessert in celebration {all courtesy of the restaurant we were eating in at the time}.  Here are our servers singing to him.  Beni is on the far left, Yasir is on the far right and Pipit has on the white jacket.

Beni and Yasir on our last night:

Geoff and Yasir in Helsinki--Yasir was one of the greeters as we were returning to the boat:


anspeckhals said...

How know I'm a language nut! I think I felt the same way about Indonesia after reading Darlene Rose's book, Evidence Not Seen. On another note, when Dustin and I were in the Yucatan last February we heard some men speak in the Mayan language...very interesting! Of course we scoped the area out for Baptist churches too, and found when we came back to two feet of snow in Pennsylvania, it didn't take long for us to be "called" to the Yucatan. Sharon offered to come and teach for us if we started a Christian School, and Dad was quick to ask if we needed a maintenance man! I love travelling and world peoples too! "The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest." (Luke 10:2b)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

I love ministering to the people in America but why does the HARVEST seem so needy and great in other countries? The mission bug has bitten me. :)