Monday, August 9, 2010

endless gifts {322-335}

holy experience

322. seeing the dirt {spiritually}
323. seeing the dirt {physically....hello, don't we all want clean houses?!}
324. really, truly funny stories
325. hot weather
326. music, music, music
327. saying YES to nannying and NO to cleaning {a first!!}
328. waking up smiling
329. hymns that run through my head at the most opportune time
330. spending all day with my brother
331. sweet Aunt Sue
332. wonderful cousins
333. incredible grandparents
334. another birthday for my Mom
335. this thought from the sermon last night: Jesus called Judas "friend." Judas. The one who betrayed him. Judas. Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners.......... I really needed that last night even though that was just a bypoint and not even what the sermon was about.

Giving thanks...


Amber said...

Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Do keep going. Multitude Monday's has been such a blessing to me. I am a new mother and it really brought me through some really rough days. I am thankful to the LORD that He lead me to aholyexperience, so I would be encouraged to begin giving thanks daily.

You should stop by and link up to "Journey of Faith Fridays". This week we are writing about people who have influenced us. You can check out last Friday's post, which have the details for this Friday at the bottom.

Traci Michele said...

I love good old fashion hymns. I also love your quote in your header. Pondering that!

Stopping by to follow your blog! Nice to meet you.

Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations