Friday, October 15, 2010


Yesterday was a phenomenal day.


I dropped my phone into my largess glass of sweet tea.  Life couldn't get any better than that for sure

While I'm incredibly nervous about the damage done because don't-you-just-know that Blackberrys are exceedingly expensive to replace, the children that I nanny were in an incredible mood.

I'm telling you, it was a phenomenal day to be sure.

The Lord definitely blessed me in the fact that the little sensor inside the phone was not activated to show that it had been dropped in liquid.  Therefore, the kind manager at the Verizon store replaced the phone for free; I just had to purchase a battery.  Sweet.

I'm telling you, they don't call the Blackberry the "Crackberry" for nothing.  It was funny to wake up this morning without any emails buzzing on my phone.  I went to work and worked in silence without my phone buzzing.  Very nice, indeed.

I called the helpful peeps at Verizon this afternoon and got everything ship-shape again.  Relief.

So, if you think I should have your number, you may want to shoot me an email.  I lost all of my contacts through the whole process.

Also, while Googling a topic while on the phone with Verizon, I came across this store.  Since I am as single as the day is long, I may be checking into this.  I've been enamored with sewing for a while.  I would love to do something with sewing as a "career" and maybe I just found a place that will help me get started.  Sweet.

1 comment:

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

man that stinks! sorry to hear about the crackberry. lame-o. :( i think that is one of my fears in life, dropping my phone in liquid (more like the toilet, yikes!)

and that's cool you are pursuing sewing! my fiance got me a sewing machine fro christmas and im yet to sit down and play with it! i hope to soon!

happy weekend, friend!!!