Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tuesday night on my way out the door to cello lessons, I had a rush of to-do's flood my brain. I decided that when I got home, I was going to make a list that said: Tomorrow, You Must:.

Then, I remembered this post I had written at the beginning of August about delays and inconveniences. I thought to myself, "Ha. You had better not write that list because the Lord just may re-arrange your day and you will be upset if things don't go the way you've planned." So I went to sleep without my list. And yesterday was a very spontaneous day.

Thursday and Friday of this week is fall break for the children. The parents decided to take the children to Chicago which will be super fun for them. Therefore, I am not working. That is a major boo-hoo. I was looking forward to spending two whole days with them. When Max wanted to bring out Art Explosion {which screams mess}, I promised him we would do it during fall break. So let's hope he doesn't ask to do Art Explosion on Monday. I'll have to promise to do it during Christmas break.

So on my agenda today {Lord willing} is to create. I get very bogged down doing the same type of "designs" in my etsy shop and I never let myself mess up. This week, I have already messed up one project and that's just fine. We will see what I can do today.

What's on your agenda?


Kali said...

Today was supposed to be a day off from babysitting, but they need me for an hour or big deal cuz it means more money for this out-of-work girl. :) Plus, I enjoy spending time with the little guy!

Tonight we have our mid-week Bible Study!

Anna said...

I was very blessed by those quotes you posted in that entry about delays and inconveniences, particularly the one about Adoniram Judson's wife Emily.

I struggle with this too... where to find the balance between planning and spontaneity, yet trust the Lord in all of it?

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

@Kali--We have church tonight, too!

@Anna--I guess it's just balance [not too much, not too less in an area] and surrender [daily, moment-by-moment] to the Lord.

Maggie said...

Hmm...lets see...just got home from work, which went really well, praise the Lord! Tonight we have our midweek bible study which should be really good!

Thats really neat that you play the cello! It is such a beautiful instrument, yet not a lot of people learn it, including myself :o) So are you in the beginning stages of learning or are you more intermediate/advanced?

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

In January, it will be three years since I started taking lessons. I'm not advanced [at all]. :) But I love my teacher and I love playing the cello more than any other instrument I've ever played [which isn't a whole lot].

Maggie said...

Oh cool! So you have been playing it for a little while now!

What other instruments have you played?

I play the piano, more intermediate (def. not advanced!) I took lessons for several years and then decided to stop. Played off and on for a little while, then when we moved I really started to pick it back up again and can tell that the Lord has blessed me for it! I have more of a desire and joy from playing, but I've also noticed that I've gotten better too! Practice makes....well maybe not quite so perfect yet ;o)

Diana Ferguson said...

Hope you got to create!!! Emjoyed a first visit.

Come see me.

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

@Maggie--I grew up playing the piano and flute. I also played percussion (!!) in our high school band from 10th-12th grade. That was a lot of fun. My obsession with the cello has been recent--I love it!!

Alyssa H. said...

That's happens to me so many times! I am definitely a list maker...which can be my downfall. It's good to have a plan but also be flexible when things don't go the way we planned (which is most of the time).

BTW, Piano and flute are AWESOME! Love it. I also play those two instruments, primarily piano. My brother was going to start learning cello but never got around to it. It's really a beautiful sounding instrument!

Jessica said...

On my agenda? Hmm... Music, music, and more music! Empowered Youth is coming quickly, and it seems that every time I turn around I'm presented with another pressing project that needed to be done yesterday. I'm not complaining, I love to be busy, but there are limits. :) My agenda after EY? More of the same. Take care, Becca!

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

@Alyssa--That's awesome that you play the flute. I wish I could play it better. I can play but am not good - especially for as many years as I played.

@Jessica--You definitely have a servant's heart with helping those teens with their EY competition pieces. I hope they appreciate you!