Monday, December 6, 2010

::maybe you have already seen this online::

I just had to post this. I am so hoping this happens downtown Chicago somewhere and that I am present. Large, random singing groups in public places is becoming quite the popular thing to do. Did get the chills watching this? Oh my goodnes...I did!! Last year at our church's Christmas concert, the orchestra director gave the story behind the "Hallelujah Chorus" and the tradition that people stand for the singing of the song. The congregation stood while we played. It was amazing. Anyways, I just had to share this video with you this morning. I hope it makes your morning great!'ll notice that the people involved are wearing buttons.


Karen said...

thanks for sharing this Rebecca! It was amazing. Loved the guy in the bluejean jacket singing along. I pray you have a wonderful Christmas.

Michelle (michabella) said...

Yes! Isnt it so cool?! My pastor mentioned it to the congregation this Sunday...I rushed home to check it out! :P

Maggie said...

Thats so cool! That would be fun to be part of one of those sometime! ;o)Or even to be there when it randomly happens in a store....that would be awesome!!

Kali said...

I love these things! They're so much fun!

Andrea Speckhals said...

Wow! I just kept thinking, If they only knew what they were singing about! That was pretty neat until the end where it said, "Random Act of Culture"...Oh well, if they did it for culture's sake, nevertheless, Let God be glorified...and take all the praise...what a God we have!

Our church has a tradition of singing carols at the local Thursday we are going, and I think we will sing the Hallelujah Chorus this year along with other carols. It is a very neat experience! I love caroling!
Merry Christmas!

Lindsay @ Aisle to Aloha said...

I LOVE this video! Gives me chills everytime I watch it. How beautiful to see floors and floors of people praising God--even if they don't realize it.

Yeah, I keep hoping something like that will happen to me too. ;)

Alyssa H. said...

that's so cool! I think it would be a blast to do this sometime. We are going to see Handel's Messiah in Seattle this Friday and I am SOO looking forward to it!

Alisa said...

Wow, that was amazing!! Thanks for sharing!