Wednesday, August 25, 2010

hello, peoples..... is late, very late for me. But I am on song #10 on my "sleeping" playlist on my ipod and I still have not drifted off to dreamland so I thought I'd write you a little update.

Did you know that all of a sudden, I am addicted to going to bed early? Yes. I must be getting old. By 6:30 pm, I'm looking at the clock going--in two more hours, I get to start thinking about going to bed. Weird. Weird. Weird. But this little habit began over two weeks ago when I started my lovely, little nanny job and had to be up and presentable for the entire workday (8am-5pm) before 8am. Yes. So I've morphed into a sort-of morning person. However, since I've been getting over 8 hours of sleep at least 5 out of 7 days a week in the past two weeks + the fact that I drank sweet tea immediately before climbing into the sack, I am still awake.

I also haven't mentioned this because plans were still being finalized but I have a little secret......

My brother and I are going on a
{clues hidden within the word trip}

I am super excited beyond words.

Also, the weather has been fantastically gorgeous. I am getting ready for fall. I am starting to plan some fun things for the fall season and maybe I will get the gumption {and motivation and time} to share them on here.

Also, the children started school today. Like a mother, I say, HOORAY. But their behaviour and obedience has improved dramatically and that is a blessing directly from our Heavenly Father. It is a great burden of mine to be a blessing, example, and Christian witness/testimony to this family. I bought a sing-along Patch CD Sunday night and just playing it in the car for two days had already rubbed off on the children. They were already humming parts to songs. Amazing! Pray that I have opportunities to witness to them.

AND...and...and....while I was waiting to pick up one of the children from the Y, I met a family. The husband is a dr. and he graduated from the school where my Dad works. There were a few interesting connections. Ding! Another opportunity to be a blessing and Christian example/witness. I firmly believe there is a purpose to my life and I have gotten this job for a reason. I'm excited.

And last but not least--I finally paid my dues to a blogger where I will begin to advertise. Super excited about that. {Maybe some of you read her...??}

Signing off--


Anne Williams said...

I heard about the potential of a little "trip".... hope that means soon! :)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

OH and I love your name change {above}...I was thinking about that last night.

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Yes, it does! Soon as in--less than two weeks!

Rachel said...

Yeah!!! Can't wait to meet you! :)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Same here!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your blog Becca! I can almost hear you telling these stories haha.........Miss you :)


Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Hey Steph!

Welcome to my blog!