Tuesday, August 31, 2010

oh--I have a blog!!!

Yes, I do.  And it needs to updated.

Sorry.  Sometimes I don't feel like I have a lot to say.  Well, I do but it's not stuff worth posting about.  And I don't have any cute kiddos to post pics of.  It seems a bit much to continually put photos of myself up -- you're sooooooooo vain.....So I resort to nothing.

Then, I asked a far-flung friend for an idea and she said SCHOOL.  And how appropriate because so many people are going back to school -- just not me. HA and YAY at the same time.  {Well, her suggestion was stories about school experiences in the past and what I have learned.  Good suggestion, by the way.}

Today, I thought I would leave you with a link to an article that I read this weekend in my Sunday paper.  I read a similar article earlier this summer and my interest was once again sparked.

It is very near and dear to my heart for many reasons.  And that is CLOTHING and how LESS is SO MUCH MORE.

I'm telling you, some people think {I know because they have made comments to me} that I have oodles and oodles of clothes.  I mean, after all, I have two closets.  But I don't.  And I have to work on not being proud about that because pride is a dirty rotten sin. 

Well, I also have an easy excuse for not having tons of clothes because I don't have to get dressed up every day.  I basically have dressy clothes {for church} and casual clothes {for work/my life}.  I have very few in-between clothes.

The idea of having less appeals to me because I just believe that Christians in America have way too many things and we are too attached to this world.  And I include myself as #1 in that statement.  I understand that we are blessed by the Lord; we live in America.  But why do we buy things "just because it was on sale" or "because it was $1, $5, etc..."  or "I bought it at Goodwill/garage sale" or "It was on clearance!"  As if that was a justification for the 53rd t-shirt to add to my dresser drawer.

Anyways, I'm not trying to be preachy, but maybe you would find the article interesting.

Here's the link to the article from this weekend: from the Chi. Trib.



Karen said...

I totally agree! I am not a shopper. Only if a need and I probably have a need for clothes, but don't know it. I'm learning contentment in my later years, just wish my children could learn it earlier.

LocaChica said...

Haha, I came to the exact realization today! After about 500 e-mails(exaggeration!) of blog readers e-mailing me to see if I'm still alive, I decided I better post! Hehe..
I've missed reading all the posts of blogs I follow, too. It's good to be back, isn't it?
I completely agree that many Americans(Christians, not excluded) are waay too attached to our material possessions, reputations, and meaningless, petty selves. I can be guilty of it, too. I'm glad you mentioned it, sometimes it's good to get a little preachy =)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

I hit a (good) nerve!! :) Thanks for the comments, ya'll.