Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I don't feel like I have much to say because there is a youth conference going on at our church this week and that is taking up some of my extra time.

I am on my "slow" week of cleaning so I am able to help out in the kitchen at the church in the mornings. The first day, I feel like I am not really a help at all because I know where almost nothing is located in the kitchen. By the second day of my volunteer time, I am better at the location of things. And by the third day [tomorrow], I feel comfortable in the kitchen but it's the last day of the conference. So then I'll start over again next year. Fun times!

Today and tomorrow, the kids that I nanny have early dismissal. Hooray for extra hours at work!

And, in bloggy news...
Anna so graciously linked me today. Thank you!
...Cyndi is hosting a giveaway to Dayspring. Go check it out!

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