Saturday, June 13, 2009

vast and varied thoughts

I don't know how many of ya'll scroll down and look at my Twitter but I don't think I've mentioned on my blog about my Granny. Thursday morning at 5am, the nurses at the assisted living home where she lives found her on the floor in her room. She said she didn't hurt but they took her to the emergency room to be xrayed just in case. Good thing! She had broken her hip in three places. Ouch!

My Mom went up there right away and stayed at the hospital until after my Granny got out of recovery from surgery (!!!) Thursday night late, probably around 10pm. I have to insert the fact that Granny had been itching madly since being in the hospital and we noticed a rash on her. My Mom pointed it out to the nurses and they gave her Benadryl here and there but it never seemed to solve the problem.

Friday was not a great day. She still wasn't on her dementia meds and it was incredibly painful to see her in the condition she was in.

Side point: I haven't been able to cry a lot lately. Which is weird to me and kinda good. If you knew me growing up you would know that I could cry at the drop of a hat. Not any more. I like that I don't get so emotional about things. But the bad side is that when I actually do cry, I cannot stop. Ugh.

So on Friday after work, I stayed up in the hospital to relieve my Mom for a while. When I got in there, I could not stop crying. Not like sobbing, but just crying. It was so painful to see my Granny in that condition. She wasn't talking coherently, they had to tether her hands down because she was continually scratching and trying to pull her IV out, and she just wasn't her normal self.

Anyways, today when my Mom went up to the hospital she found out that Granny has scabies.!!!!!!! We were holding her hand all day yesterday and rubbing her back and shoulders where it was itching, etc....I am very ticked at the doctor that is attending to her in the hospital. My Mom said she got the impression on Friday that he didn't really care.

Side note: And our family has a lot of experience with doctors and hospitals and nurses for pity's sake! We expect good care even if it is a small hospital.

Scabies in highly contagious! My Mom had to be gowned and gloved to go into the room. So if you think about it, we would **really** appreciate prayers that my Mom and I don't get scabies. I mean, seriously!!! I washed our sheets and towels today but who knows if we have it. I don't even want to think about it. Anyone ever have the scabies before? Probably not.

Here's where the vast and varied starts:

*My brother, Geoff, has been on a trip to Israel with a group from our church. I'm so glad that he'll be home on Tuesday. So glad. So glad. So glad.!!!

*One of my readers and friend, Jen, had her blog readers on suspense for months as to a new direction she was taking. I must copy her and say that something is in the works. Not anything huge. Just somethin'. I'll keep you posted when the ball gets rolling.

*It is cold and rainy here. I looked at the 10 day weather forecast today and the next 10 days are all rainy and/or cloudy except for one day that is SUNNY. One day. Help us!!! The plants and people need sun here to grow.

**Was that vast and varied enough for everyone??

1 comment:

Dear Abbi said...

Oh, I hope you don't get scabies!! And I'll pray that your granny recovers too. We have the same dreary forecast in these parts...although the sun just peeked out so I think I need to go stand outside in the sun and produce a little vitamin D. :)