Thursday, June 25, 2009 so???

These are silhouettes of my Mom when she was a little girl. I thought they were beautifully, wonderfully vintage so I snagged them before she could say no! :) I hung them on the end of my four poster bed for a bit of whimsy. However, ever since the bathroom was remodeled and my bedroom repainted, I've had hardly any decorations up on the walls.

Here's a "before" picture of my dresser with nothing above it.

Here's the "after" picture. I still think the top of the dresser is a little cluttered. But since I only have a bedroom to decorate and not an apartment or house and there is not much flat space, I kinda have to go with a bit of a cluttered look if I went pictures and knick-knacks out.

What do ya'll think?

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