Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello from Mobile, Alabama.

The land of the perpetual frozen air-conditioner.

The land of seafood.

The land of the perpetual ice-cold air-conditioner.

The land of sunshine.

The land of the perpetual freeze-your-fingers-and-your-toes-off air-conditioner.


So like it's sooooooooo cold in every single place we go. I think my Mom has caught a cold (she at first claimed it was allergies) because of going from hot and humid outside to frigid indoor temperatures. Thankfully, we keep our air-conditioning in the room set at a reasonable Midwest temperature. Around 78 degrees, or so. These southerners probably think we're crazy. After we come back to our hotel room after a day of gallavantin', the girl who cleans our room has jacked the temperature down to a chilly 71 degrees. People! I have been cold since November. I didn't come to Dixie Land to freeze!

All teasing aside, it's been a great trip. We had to get up at the crrrrrr-ackkkk of dawn on Monday morning. As in.....I got up at officially 2:38am so that I could pack and get ready to leave the house at 4:15am.

Once we landed, we visited several cemetaries where my Mom's extended family was buried. We were visiting for genealogical purposes. My Mom doesn't have any close family members (except my grandma who has dementia) so she's working on piecing the genealogy tree together that my grandma had put together at one time.

Tuesday, we shopped, visited some old neighbors and went out to dinner with my cousin and his girlfriend.

Today. I'm kinda bummed because it rained. We just drove around for a while.....kinda driving to specific places without going anywhere at all. (If that makes sense.)

We just got back from a fabulous restaurant. I had boiled shrimp. The shrimp come with the tails and the heads on and you have to peel them off. Often, they're caught the same day you eat them. Incredible.

I'm fixin' to go upstairs and hopefully there is an interesting movie on tv. We've gotta pack it to bed early because our flight leaves at the crack of dawn once again. The good thing is that we land in Chicago a little after noon (12pm). So we'll have time to unpack and get things done before church.

I've missed "chattin'" with ya'll. Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately. Hopefully things will pick up once again.

Love ya'll!!



PS - What is UP with my spelling skills lately? They are sorely lacking!

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