Monday, May 11, 2009

I just have to write this because kids crack me up.

Side note: (I was just reading at another blog about something a little kid said to his mother. Literally. Laughing. Out loud.)

Okay. So the kid I tutor in reading is hysterical. He's totally "all-boy". Kinda reminds me of my brother who wasn't interested in school. But this kid cracks me up on a regular basis during reading. How he reads words is funny. I try not to laugh. And I'm definitely not laughing at his mistakes. Just the things he says are too funny.

For instance on one of the word cards was the word "museum". He's trying to sound it all out. He gives up and just says basically with a shrug of his shoulders, "mooooo-shoes"? "cantaloupe"? Cantaloupe? Where did he get cantaloupe? He says funny things like that all the time.

The funniest thing of all that he said tonight is hysterical. You wouldn't even really believe a kid would say it except that I wrote it down because I had to keep it for posterity. He read a sentence with the word "scientists" in it. As soon as he got done reading the sentence he said,

"Aren't scientists those people who learn about things that people don't really care about?"

What in the world? Cracked me up. Totally!

1 comment:

Dear Abbi said...


I love your girl tree, btw. :)