Tuesday, May 5, 2009

want some fun?

So I have not been feeling well for about a week. I think I'm kind of a little bit of a hypochondriac (maybe I'm not). When I was on my dad's insurance plan, girl, I went to the doctor at the drop of the hat because it was f-r-e-e!! Now that I'm on my own plan, and I pay for that plan........ummmmmmmmmm........yah - you get the picture. I stay far away from doctors. BUT, the Mayo Clinic symptom checker is my favorite diagnostic tool.

If you want some fun, go there and type in any and every real (or imagined) symptom you may have at the moment. Last night, I was clicking on my symptoms (hip pain, fatigue, etc.......) and I was given the suggestion that I might possibly have ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS. I'm dying!!!!!

My mom typed in my "symptoms" on her own this morning and came up with tendonitis which is totally not as scary.

So have some fun over at the MCSC especially after a hard day at home or work or school. You're probably guaranteed a chuckle!

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