Wednesday, May 5, 2010


To say that today has not gone as planned is a tremendous understatement.

I have suddenly found myself the caretakers of two dogs for a few days. This resulted in me leaving the house a lot earlier than normal.

Then, on the way to work, I was behind a truck with a trailer and a loosely tied-down tarp. Yep. You know where this is going. The tarp blew off and sent debris everywhere. It was an interesting encounter with garbage. Thankfully, nothing seems immediately wrong with the truck.

After driving almost 20 minutes to get to work I found out it was cancelled. I typically don't mind because I always have a set of back up plans in my mind.

My back up plan today involved the back porch. But the builder needed that spot because of the new window he was putting in today. Have I mentioned that the kitchen is being remodeled? This is week 3 without a kitchen {or is it week 4}?

Needless to say, today is not happening according to plan. But I'm thankful that I'm LEARNING to LEAN and not getting completely discouraged about not having a regular job or life or husband...

That is the way my thought processes typically go when I'm discouraged. So I'm sitting at a park and am going to test my nonexistent photog skills by experimenting with different props for my etsy shop.

Things I am thankful for today:

•the Gunzenhausers found a place to rent/live
•blue skies
•the direction and teaching of the Holy Spirit
•a blog post {and new blog} that encourages -- and makes me laugh, too
•provision for my needs


Ellen Grant said...

ok, so I am totally going to buy something from your etsy shop. I have been looking for ways to focus on Bible memorization, and your verse cards would be perfect! (For me AND my 3 year old.)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
I loved reading what you just wrote. So honest. Finding contment no matter what? Hard. Very hard!
Oh, and my dad used to drive me around in a 1991 burnt sienna Nissan mini-van.
I win that one!

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Yes, a 1991 burnt Sienna Nissan mini-van does beat an old Suburban. I really laughed at that one! Thanks for being my newest follower!