Tuesday, May 4, 2010

thankful memories

For some reason, I am more nostalgic in the spring/summer time than around the  Christmas holidays.  Today was an absolutely beautiful day and I did a lot of driving.  I was driving the "old" Suburban and had a fleeting memory about another Suburban we used to own.  This led me to compile a list {while I was driving - ahem} of things that I did not like or appreciate when I was younger but now am thankful for.

#1 -- the old Suburban -- Now, this is not the Old Suburban that I just mentioned.  No, this is the old, OLD Suburban.  For reasons that escape my memory, my dad bought a Suburban {an early 90's model} and those were the wheels I drove around on as a junior/senior in HS.  Oh, how my brothers and I despised that baby-blue truck.  It was the BANE of cool.  Trust me.  Even my really cool Uncle Duane talked about how no one wanted to be seen in those Suburbans in the 80's.  Yep, and the model was the same in the early 90's.  But now that I'm older I wish it were back.  Just think, it was practically indestructible.  We could haul our dogs around in it.  We don't have dogs anymore but IF we did, just think of the places I could take them.  And vintage and retro are BACK.  They're back!  I mean, I would fit right in with a truck like that.

#2 -- summer camp -- Oh, we were so deprived that we didn't get to go to summer day camp all summer long, 10 weeks, to be exact, like other kids we knew.  {I'm still scarred.  Ok, sorry, that was a family joke.}  But guess what, we had to WORK at home.  My brother owns a lawn care company.  Someone asked where he got the experience. UHHHHHH......in our yard at home.  Every.single.summer loads of dirt was delivered to our house.  "Fill in the holes, boys."  That's what my Dad used to say.  We got dirt at our house every summer until just a few years ago.  Ah, memories!

#3 -- piano in the summer -- Oh how I despised taking piano lessons in the summer.  "Dad, if I didn't have to take piano lessons during the summer, I promise that I will practice.  I will be able to practice anything I want and that will enhance my natural love for the piano.  I just know that I will practice waaaaaaaaaay more if I don't have to take lessons during the summer.  It will just be a nice break from the routine."  hahahahahahaha -- every summer until I finished my sophomore year in college I took piano lessons.  Now, I still haven't thanked my Dad specifically for taking piano lessons in the summer but I am thankful for the perseverance it taught me.

#4 -- steadfastness -- Ok, my Dad is not perfect.  {I just had to say that because someone with a bone to pick will be sure to find some way that my Dad is inconsistent.}  But my Dad has never been the type to get his arm twisted easily.  If he said no, he meant no.  And if you asked again, your chances of getting what you wanted just went into the negatives.  I really appreciate that.  Sometimes, that may be a hard pill to swallow but no means no and at least you know that you have an answer.  :)  It eliminated whining and without a doubt, Dad was {is} the head of our house.  I am so thankful for that quality in my dad.

Last week while I was standing at my table with my cards, a mom was buying a few sets of cards and she told her son, "No you can just wait here and stand by me."  Well, I really don't know this kid but to lighten the tone I said, "Moms are cool."  The mom standing there said, "Well, he doesn't think so."  But I replied that he eventually would.  My youngest brother and I had several discussions while my parents went on their last vacation about how thankful we are for our parents.  They have taken a lot of heat the past few years for stands they have taken.  Friends look at us like, "Oh, they're weird.  They're a little....uh....radical."  Yep, radical about the Bible and Jesus.  And that's not just a cliche.  While we were out with friends on Sunday night during the course of conversation, one of our friends said, "And you have really great parents."  DON'T WE KNOW!!  My brother Geoff and I are so thankful and grateful for the way we were raised.  There are so many other things that I could list here but it would get too long and personal.  I am so thankful for my parents.  And the older I get, the more thankful I am that my parents are mine!

1 comment:

anspeckhals said...

Amen and Amen! So very thankful for my parents...let us cherish them.