Friday, May 7, 2010

A shameless endorsement

One of the couples that I clean for owns one of the two flower shops in town. Well, Jim is constantly singing the praises of a local bakery. Actually, today, the flower shop is doing a cross promotion with the bakery. If you get flowers by delivery, you will also receive a very nice package of cookies. If you go into the bakery, you get a free carnation.
SO...I finally made the trek into the bakery to see if they had anything interesting for dessert {I started Mother's Day early over here}.
Look what I brought home!
YUMMY!! So if you're from my area of the country, check out the cute bakery in the old white house on Broadway {next to the old license branch}.

1 comment:

Mrs. Murdock said...

Oh My! Those look amazing! I may have to stop by there or request a Mother's Day dessert.