Saturday, October 10, 2009

a public statement!

I just want to publicly state how grateful, thankful I am for the Word of God.


I just go on to this website to look up a verse that has been swimming in my mind this afternoon.

After finding the verse, I read the verse in context with the other Scriptures around it. And another verse just absolutely popped out at me!

I am {still} going through a difficult time spiritually. Maybe it's not able to be perceived on the outside but inner anxiety, unrest is bubbling within.

I was listening to a Christian speak the other day and he mentioned something about searching our hearts and making sure we were absolutely "right with God." I instantly asked myself and prayerfully asked the Lord, "Am I absolutely right with God?"

And a still, small voice popped up saying, "Trust Me. Trust. Trust. Trust."

I am having a really difficult time trusting these days.

I know, know, know that I am going through a spiritual desert right now to purify, cleanse, strengthen me.

And I have asked the Lord to continue the difficult trial{s} because that is what draws me nearer to Him.

Then I find myself asking, "Why Lord?" How ironic and finnicky I am. I asked Him to try me.

Anyways, I've been saying in recent posts that I've been drawing a blank when it comes to writing a post. And I just-so-happened to be available to write this little post.

Hope it was a blessing!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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