Thursday, January 28, 2010

Since this blog is also my journal of all the interesting things I do {riiiiiiiight}, I thought I'd do a post on my Wednesday.  What made me think of this is that I'm eating lunch and it is leftovers from my lunch yesterday.

Here goes.

I had a doctor's appt. in downtown Chicago.  I didn't even look up directions because my Mom knows where to go.  It was very interesting trying to get there.  We didn't get lost but we had to take some detours.  We took our jerky {as in bumpy} little red van because the parking garages there are smaller than what we're used to. 

And it was very cold downtown yesterday.  I wore my high-heeled boots.  The warmth factor is literally 0.  My Mom looked h-o-t in her plain, black coat and warm Blondo boots.  Let me tell you about my Mom's "plain, black coat."  My Dad bought my Mom's Christmas gift early.  She needed a new coat and they picked it out together.  So when they came home, they kept saying {literally said it several times}, "It's just a plaaaaaaain, black coat, nothing fancy, just a plaaaaaaaain, black coat."  I'm imagining in my mind this 90's-era black coat with weird lapels and a deep V-neck {get the picture}.  After it got altered {because she's so tiny}, the plaaaaaaain, black coat came home.  It is h-o-t.  It has an optional tie belt.  It buttons all the way up with a smart little collar.  Absolutely adorable.  Anyways, back to Wednesday.

So then for lunch after repeatedly missing the exit and/or turns for one restaurant, we ended up going to a Jewish restaurant.  I've been there once.  And when my Mom was sick the first time, this particular restaurant was in the vicinity of the hospital where she spent a lot of time.  My Dad would pick up Matzo ball soup for her. 

I am NOT a meat person.  I'm absolutely not a vegetarian but I'm not huge on eating a lot meat.  I will eat vegetables and bread over a steak, any day.  But I had this huge urge for meat yesterday.  So I ordered a Reuben sandwich.  There was literally enough meat for 3 1/2 sandwiches.  The guy behind the counter looks at me and says, "You sharing?"  I'm like, "Nope, not me!" Rye + cornbeef + saurekraut +swiss chees = goodness!!  The sandwich was so huge that I have already eaten 1 1/2 sandwiches for lunch today and there is still more left over!

It was a great day! Plus I worked in the late afternoon. 

I love my Mom.  We have so much fun doing things together.  I'm so lucky + blessed that she's still here with us.

Plans for the rest of the week include:

*church tonight
*work tomorrow
*going downtown again tomorrow night - whoop!
*making 30 pre-assembled crafts for Jr. Church on Sunday - joy!

1 comment:

simplysanctified said...

Ah, too bad we couldn't meet while you were in Chicago!!!
Glad you had a nice mother/daughter time though! :)