Saturday, March 13, 2010

depends on how you look at it

So, how did my craft show go?

Well, it went either bad or okay. {You choose...I choose okay.}

Bad...I didn't sell any cards.
Okay..I got the name out there, the idea out there, passed out as many business cards to those who seemed interested, and got a few signups for my mailing list.

So I'm not entirely bummed.  I knew it was a risk going to this show.  One clue would have been an email I sent to the event organizer.  I sent her an email asking several questions and one question I asked was "How many people do you expect/How many people have you had at past events?"  She never answered.  Ka-ching!  It should have been clue #1 but I had already paid the non-refundable fee.

Some things I learned: 
     *bring more products
     *bring more of a variety of products
     *this is great experience for next time

I thought I had enough cards but once I set the table up, it looked emptier in a big room than it did on the exact same sized table at home.  Also, I only had one type of product {Scripture memory cards}.  In some settings, that may have been okay.  But for a craft show, I should have had more of a variety {bookmarks, notecards, etc...}.

But my table did look rockin-hot with the awesome plant I had brought as a centerpiece.  By the end of the day, I was tired of the compliments and questions about the awesome plant.  "Just buy my cards, people!"

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yeah for getting sign-ups on the mailing list!!! That's always a good thing :)