Wednesday, March 24, 2010

On Monday, during my afternoon off, I took the opportunity to switch out my winter clothes to my spring/summer clothes.   I was also filing away some things from my "paper drawer."  I have this funny shaped tin can {it used to hold Starbucks coffee--yum!} that I use to store my sentimental cards in.  It is quite full by now.  That box is a treasure trove of memories.  Literally.  And I normally am sad after I open it because it makes me miss so many people.  But because this is "My Bright Corner,"  I'll refrain from showing the cards that make me sad.  Here are some of my fun memories.

Here is the box -- stuffed to the gills.
Birthday cards from when I was student teaching.  This class will always be very special to me.  They are already in 8th grade.  {And I student taught them when they were in 4th grade....don't do the math.  I've graduated how long ago???}

One of my favorite cards...from Jen...Jen, do you remember this one? Makes me smile just thinking about what you wrote in this!!!
A letter from my Mom when she was sick.  Today, we talked about some memories of when she was sick.  Do you know how lucky I am {we are} that she is still here with us?  Thank you, Lord!!

This box also includes my graduation program {I graduated with who??}, graduation cards, birthday cards, Valentine's cards, Christmas cards, and just notes in general.  Awesome. 

I still have a conundrum to solve.  How do you store/preserve/keep/display your Christmas cards.  I would love to keep them from year-to-year but am at a total loss of how to do so creatively and/or without taking up much space.


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