Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm a flip-flop addict and former germ-phobic. Then I came across THIS ARTICLE this morning. Click! Click! And read the article. Then get back over here and tell me what you think!

I used to be a total germaphobe. But my position has changed to neutral. I do not use anti-bacterial soap on a regular basis any more because I have read that it kills bacteria that our bodies need to build up our natural defenses. And I do think that we have become such a germ-free society that allergies are on the rise. Good 'ole dirt washed off with good 'ole soap and water aren't that bad after all.

But this article grossed me out completely. And I can see where they're coming from. Walking around with flip-flops is almost like walking around barefoot.

I think I'm going to start washing my feet more. But you'll still find me in flip-flops!


Anonymous said...

wow..that's weird..i don't wear flip-flops that often but it does seem like--how could it harm any1. like i mean i've never like heard of any1 dying because of

Annie W.

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Of course, there always has to be a fear factor in everything these days. I don't worry about dying, just the germs! :)