Wednesday, August 19, 2009

may I be an encouragement?

This is for this single chicks who read my blog.

As a single girl who doesn't make a lot of money, I have long believed that there was no way that I could save money. I mean...come on...I don't make very much money, so how in the world could I save money. I felt like I was living hand-to-mouth.

Anyways, that perspective changed a while ago when I realized that something needed to change in regard to my finances. My insurance bill is due every three months and my prescription is "renewed" every three months. (On different months, thank goodness!) So I sat down with pencil and paper and figured out how much I needed to save each week. I opened a checking account at a different bank in my town and designated it for just my medical expenses. It has worked wonderfully! For me personally, I needed to sock my money away in a different place so I wouldn't be tempted to use the cold, hard cash. Some of you may use an "envelope system," and that's awesome. But I'm not that good with money.

Here is my second AHA moment. (It recently occurred.) Well, when I was working at our Christian school as the secretary, I opened up an HSA (health-savings account). I put away $100 per month in that account. Ever since I stopped working there, I haven't really put too much money back into that account because I was telling myself that "I just couldn't...I didn't make enough money." Blah-blah-blah!! I was skimping on my dental and vision appointments because the money I had originally put away was slowly detoriating. So last week, I finally scheduled an eye appointment. As I was contemplating my finances, I realized that if I put away just $10 per week that equals $520 per year! That's enough to cover my vision and dental expenses for the year. Why hadn't I thought of that earlier? Just $10 per week.

So this is how I want to be an encouragement. Please don't tell yourself that you can't afford to save. That is (generally) not true. Maybe there are some cases out there where you honestly cannot save money....all your money is sent away each week toward bills. But if you can, honestly take a look and see what you can do to save. Even if it's small, it adds UP! And quick. So make a point to save. And let me know if you're encouraged by this!


Rachel said...

It is an encouragement to me!!

I'm an oxymoron, because I love shopping and spend money quickly, but I'm also a penny-pincher and hate spending more money when I know I can get it for cheaper. With the traveling I've done, I'm either saving up for a trip or still recovering financially from a trip (usually the three-week period when I come back when I literally don't have two pennies to rub together and put everything on my cc to get set up again!). But it is amazing how fast the small amounts add up.

I'm the same way with needing another place to put it though...After I pay bills, I leave myself a $20 cushion in my checking account and move whatever is left into my savings account. It takes four days to process, so I can't just spend money on a whim from my savings. That is probably what has saved me from spending it all!

Of course, I set aside money for tithe and Faith promise, then I set aside $10 from every pay check from my regular job for health 'insurance' which pays for eye exams, contacts, and most dental. Then I set aside half the money from my piano lessons for taxes in April. Then I pay my bills with what is left and see how much I have left to save after all that!! LOL - it's never much, but it does add up, and I've gone on several international trips, all from money I've saved!

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

That's awesome! Sounds like you have quite the system. Yay for saving!!