Saturday, August 1, 2009

government health care plan

Maybe ya'll are very tired of hearing about the national health care plan that is trying to be pushed through the House of Representatives right now. I absolutely cannot stress enough the importance of each of us (at least) calling our Congressman and Senators to voice our opinion. Maybe you have already done that. I added the telephone numbers of my Congressman and Senators into my cell phone about a month ago and have been calling to voice my opinion several times since then.

Here's the reason for this post. I receive the AFA email updates. And, today, there was an email with links to an overview of the health care plan plus a link to the actual bill (wow!!).

It just makes me feel better to let ya'll know that I'm concerned. Really, really concerned. And I'm sure ya'll are, too. Now I know as Christians this is not to be our main focus. I have asked myself so many times in the past several months, "How could I sleep at night if I wasn't a Christian?" because of worrying about all of these new bills. HOWEVER, this health care plan directly attacks fundamental, Biblical beliefs that we hold such as family planning and care of the elderly, to say the least.

So without saying much more, here are the links.




Anonymous said...

hey i just found ur blog and i find i really encouraging/enjoyable..i'm looking forward 2 other posts,

In Christ,

Annie W.(don't have a blog yet ,sorry):)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Sweet....welcome to my blog!