Monday, August 24, 2009


holy experience

33. new website that made me smile
34. green lights when I'm in a hurry
35. a healthy eye exam report
36. free samples of contact solution
37. safety while traveling
38. safety from the tornado
39. safety while I stayed home by myself without electricity
40. a new job
41. mom and dad are home!


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Your joy is INFECTIOUS!
Isn't God good in a million, countless ways?
Thank you for letting us praise with you!
(And I'm glad you are safe too!)
Blessings in your new job!

All's grace,

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

awwww....a comment from the originator of "multitude monday"...thank you!!!

Deborah Ann said...

It's so refreshing to find a blog like this with a young person faithfully following God.


(I have a feeling we might be neighbors? Lakeshore...Great America...Midwest. Sounds like home!

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Hi Deborah Ann, I'm in Indiana!