Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I made these cupcakes.


The recipe for the cupcakes isn't as sweet as I'm used to in cupcakes.  However, don't we all eat enough sugar?!!  I drink too much sugar via sweet tea!  :)


#1 - my brother said one word, "Phenomenal!"
#2 - I had a lot of frosting left over; it won't go to waste.  But next time, I still think I will use all six cups of powdered sugar.  I don't think I put enough frosting on each cupcake.  My Mom picked up the recipe and pointed out that Rookie Cookie put much more frosting on each cupcake - more than I did.  I will learn.
#3 - I used a pastry bag and tip - a first for me.  It messy and very fun!  After I was all done and cleaned up, I was re-reading what Rookie Cookie said and I should have put all of the frosting in at once.  There's always next time!
#4 - They were beautiful cupcakes. They were perked up and rounded so beautifully.  Delightful to look at, for sure!

Definitely a re-make!

Oh, and PS....I don't take credit for a recipe turning out good.  Whomever wrote and designed the recipe is the real genius in my mind.  I just follow directions.  :)

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