Sunday, February 7, 2010

this picture cracks me up on so many levels

In the middle of winter, it's fun to look through photos and realize that YES, we do wear short sleeves and flip-flops in Indiana at some point of time in the year.

I've been looking for a picture on this computer to prove my point and can't find one.

But this picture is close enough and it cracks me up.

First of all, just the fact that my brother David is in this picture makes it noteworthy.  I miss him like the dickens.

Second of all, the fact that he is wearing shorts and a sweatshirt definitely shows the fickleness of our weather.

Third, he's wearing a Sox hat.  Woohoo!  Hello, summer!  Hello, baseball!  Hello, Sox games...I plan to go with my family at least once this next year.

Fourth, he's squirting off the driveway.  It's gotta be a Gaus thing.  That's about all I can say!  :)

Fifth, he's squirting off the driveway with soap {or bleach?!}.  Once again, it must be a Gaus thing.

Sixth, there's green grass.  Proof that we do have warmer temps at some point.

Seventh, those hibiscus trees are beautiful.  But up to that point, we had been dragging them in and out of the garage because they couldn't be exposed to temps lower than 55 degrees.  Yes, even in May, it's still chilly.

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