Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a list of 10

Since none of these bullet points constitute an entire post, I'll just list some things I was thinking about today.

#1...I would love to adopt a child/{ren} when I'm married.
#2...I have been having a hard time breathing today; my hunch is that half of the problem is that I have to wear so many clothes to keep me warm because it's winter.
#3...{said in a whisper} I've been enjoying winter because of my new boots!  {Just think what a bonus my future husband will have....girl available, and she comes with boots!}
#4....I started to piece my quilt yesterday but something was not working well.  I had to take a lot of deep breaths + a lot of prayer to keep my composure.  Our simple conclusion is that the thread is too old.
#5...I went to get a few, last quilting supplies today.
#6....I went into Pier 1 and Target today and didn't purchase a thing.  It was intentional...I was looking for future gifts for other people and didn't find anything that struck my fancy.
#7...Do you visit the Google blog?  Oh brother...never mind the government taking over the world, Google is taking over the world!  Go check out their blog to see the awesome things you can do with their search engine.
#8....I found a sewing book last night at the library written by one of my favorite bloggers.  You can find her here
#9...My Mom has a doctor's appt tomorrow at the UofC and I am accompanying her because I don't have to work {that's a boo! and a yay! at the same time}.  I plan to donate blood tomorrow.
#10...Because it seems like I've been having low blood pressure lately + low iron, I have been drinking a lot of fluids and have been eating more protein today so I can donate tomorrow. 

xxhugs, everyone!xx

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