Thursday, February 4, 2010

it's actually laughable

Today was my Mom's doctor's appointment. As I mentioned in a post yesterday, I planned to donate blood today.  It has been since March of '05 that I have donated blood!  I have attempted to donate since then but couldn't because my blood pressure and iron levels were too low.

Starting yesterday and continuing into this morning, I've been pumping and priming myself for donating.  I ate so much protein {at least a lot for me} and drank a whole lot of fluids.  I was rewarded with good blood pressure and my iron level was excellent!  Yay!

To get to the point of the story, the lady who was working with me stuck me in both arms.  And both attempts were unsuccessful for me to donate blood.  Bummer!

Funny part:  I'm a WIMP when it comes to needles.  It is actually laughable that I wanted to be a nurse.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good for you!!! I've wanted to donate blood for a while now, but you can't if you've been in malaria areas within the past year - and well, that's been me for the past four years. LOL! Oh well...maybe in another year or so. :)

I'm totally with you on the needle thing. But not so much needles or blood, as the PAIN I must be causing to someone else or myself. I could never be a nurse either...