Thursday, July 2, 2009

day-shza-BOO (okay, that's a play on words!)

Normally, the third time's the charm but sadly, it took me until the fourth time to divulge this un-important blog post.

Ok. I am an observant person, especially while driving. I drive the shuttle back to the church on Sunday mornings after we pick up all the kids and they get on the bus and we're headed to church. Ok. And (basically) every Sunday morning for years, I have passed a family in a green minivan headed to church in the opposite direction. Now you might think that it is weird that I would notice. But they're just a distinct family in a green van. I don't want to bore you with the details of why they're distinct, just trust me, it's distinct.

So about a year ago, I'm in Target and I see a lady in a long skirt (clue: Christian) and her daughter in a long skirt (clue: Christian) and her son. I'm like.....oh....I bet they're Christians. Well, they noticed me, too, because I was wearing.......a SKIRT! I smiled politely in a small acknowledgment of, "Oh yes, I notice that you're a Christian. Incredible!" I go on my merry way. I notice, while I'm in the toothpaste aisle some people peeking around the corner to look. When I turn my head, this same daughter and son combo walk hurriedly past like they weren't lookin' at nuthin'. Ok. That was really weird. And it happened a couple of times. Then, I actually start to look at these people and I realize, they are the people I pass in the green van every Sunday morning on the way to church. So weird!

I can't remember the second time I saw them.

But I definitely remember the third time. I'm standing in line at Wal-Mart, waiting while a (dear) old couple insists that this particular Valentine candy is not the price that's being rung up on the screen. At 5:07pm when everyone and they brother, mother, and sister are picking up dinner ingredients. I tried to hide my irritation because they were (dear) old people. Anyways, I look across the aisle, and who do I see checking out in another line? You guessed it! This time, it was the mother and the daughter, sans the son. By the time they were done checking out, I was done purchasing my few items. They were about 10 feet in front of me as we're walking to our respective cars. I am not lying when I say that the daughter turned around at least 5 times to stare at me. I'm like....YES!...I wear a skirt. There are other people on this planet that wear skirts!

The fourth time was tonight. I'm in Walgreens and in walks a man, his son, and a lady in a skirt. I"m like...oh!....those people must be Christians. And, boy, do they ever look familiar. As I'm walking out of the store, I realize.....IT'S THE PEOPLE IN THE GREEN VAN!!

Next time, I'll have to introduce myself.

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