Wednesday, July 22, 2009

so incredible!

So....when my parents are out of town, one reason that I have a great time is because I get to do all the cooking, shopping, cleaning, experimenting, etc...It's like having my own place. Yay!!! (Not that I don't have a great time when my parents are home get the picture.)

Ok. So we have a percolator coffee pot and it has desperately been in need of a clean for a very.long.time.!!! I know my Mom has cleaned it before with vinegar and water but I wanted to find a solution on my own. So where do 20-something-year-olds turn? None other than GOOGLE!!!

By the way. When you google "how to clean", the first thing to come up is uggs. That is hilarious. And I never would have even known what uggs were until I started cleaning for my fave's this past winter. And I guess I didn't know that they were (apparently) so difficult to clean. Because why else would they be the very first thing to pop up on google when you type how to clean. Anyways. I digress.

So through nifty-thrifty google, I found out that you can use baking soda and water. Tried it. Didn't really work.

However, on the same page, someone mentioned those dishwasher tablets. Bought some of those on a great deal at the local grocery store this afternoon. Popped one in. And OH.MY.WORD.!!!!! Did it EVER work!!! I called my Mom to tell her. And they were at dinner. In San Francisco somewhere. She wasn't as excited. But I am so pumped!!! It's still a little grungy up at the top where the water didn't quite reach. On the website that I popped on to through nifty-thrifty google, someone said that it made their percolator look like new. Seriously. It does.

Moral of the story: if you have a percolator, GO right now and clean your percolator. You'll be so glad you did!

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