Monday, December 28, 2009

boots, boots, and more boots

{Reminiscing moment here...that title reminds me of a tshirt that a girl received for her bday when we were in HS.  She was interested in a guy with the last name}

I was a girl with a mission today.  Mission: find a pair of boots.  Last year, I purchased my high-heels, black, DRESSY, WINTER boots.  This year, I needed to purchase a pair of everyday boots.  I found some at different big-box retailers in the town south of us.  But none that would really work for me.  So I decided to head to the downtown area.  I am all about helping out the small business.  Completely.  I hate to see empty towns and the little I can do to prevent that is to spend my money there. 

So I headed into a shoe store that was downtown.  It was a very interesting experience, TO SAY THE LEAST.  But I did walk away with a pair of black boots and a pair of {free} brown boots.  Wow!!  He threw in a discount coupon for next time and referral coupons with discounts for others.  I will not discuss on this blog how much they cost.  My Mom made me feel better by reassuring me that they were an investment because they will last for many, many years.  Investment is the right word.  For others, it may not have been an investment but for me it was. 

I recovered from the sticker shock, though, after walking around in them all afternoon.  I have one pair of footless tights.  I'm such a southern girl that I greatly enjoy walking around barefoot.  These boots ensure that luxury.  They are the warmest boots, by far, that I have ever possessed in my entire life.  I am looking forward to winter all of a sudden.  :)

What is your boot story?  Do you have a pair that you particularly love?  Can't find the perfect pair?  Suffer through winter dressed in your cutesy shoes?  I'm so curious!

I am the pickiest person alive when it comes to {especially} boots + shoes.


Rachel said...

My first task when I get home is to locate a new pair of boots. I've had the same pair for almost four years! The sole is beginning to separate, so a new pair is pretty necessary. :)
I've been looking online and haven't found ANYTHING I like! Oh, except these:

LOL (Yeah...and sorry that link is so long!)

Rebecca at Cotton+Wood said...

Oh, I like those, Rachel!!

I was looking for a pair of {what I call} skinny boots. I saw a few girls wearing them when we went downtown last week. They weren't thick. They would be great to wear with a straight, long skirt. But I couldn't find any yesterday.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Rebecca! I have enjoyed visiting your's and will hopefully be back soon!
