Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I don't know why I feel the need to justify myself

Growing up, I was never the one to do the most adventurous thing.  I was too afraid of the possible consequences.  For example, when skiing, I would ski the black diamond but never attempted anything out of my control.  I didn't want to break a leg or an arm and have to be put in a cast.

This same mentality comes to driving in the winter.  I just canceled my cello lesson tonight because I didn't want to drive in sleet-snow-slush-rain-ice.  Am I wimp? Ha!

And I didn't want to drive in the sleet-snow-slush-rain-ice even though I was driving our huge Suburban with big rims.  I love our truck and I feel safe driving it but I'm too afraid of crashing the baby.  :)  The new Suburbans have plastic {yes, you read that right - plastic} bumpers.  Soon after we got the '08 Suburban, my Mom accidentally bumped {barely} a truck behind her and you would not believe the damage done to the bumper.  We also have an '01 Suburban.  Once, my brother bumped his friends car in a parking lot at work.  Not one scratch on our truck and the other guys' car was severely damaged. 

Potentially losing control on an icy road at night equals $$.  So, I'm staying home.

I have about gazillion cookies to make.  Here's my list: cookies for tomorrow nights choir/orchestra practice for our Christmas concert, cookies for prisoners {something through our church}, and cookies as gifts. 

So although I feel like such a skirt cancelling my cello lessons, I'm glad because I have extra time to make these cookies.

Is it snowing in your locale?  I hope it is!

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