Monday, December 7, 2009

our tree {for your amusement}

Yes! This was our tree this year. in past tense.  I couldn't decide which pictures were the most pathetic and hilarious so that's why there are five photos. 

This was a seven-foot Norway pine.

The needles were coming off at an alarming rate.  This morning, we noticed bare twigs.  My Mom started taking all the ornaments and lights off and that's how we got these pictures.  Wow!  That's not supposed to happen unless the tree isn't watered for about a month.

My brother went back to the tree farm where we purchase our trees and explained the dilemma.  The guy there said that they told "everyone not to go there and cut down the trees from that section because they were landscaping trees.  But people kept going there anyways."  Excuse me...huh?  You told multiple groups of people not to go there but they went anyways.  Not just one random group of people.  Of course, my parents didn't intentionally cut down a landscaping tree.  My personal opinion is that they are losing a lot of money selling 7+ feet tall trees as Christmas trees rather than landscaping trees.  So because of their misfortune, they're blaming it on the customers.

They did give us a discount on the new one.

It's a Fraser Fir which I absolutely adore.
They are so beautiful.

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